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Top 6 participatory design methods for your project

Reading Time: 8 minutes Participatory design methods is a user-centered design methodology that involves all stakeholders, particularly the end-users, in the design process. By actively engaging users from the initial stages of development, this approach ensures that the final product meets user needs and resonates with their preferences and expectations.  This collaborative process fosters a sense of ownership among […]

What is participatory design? Learn how to conduct it

Reading Time: 9 minutes In design circles, user-centricity has become fashionable. However, let us face it: being truly user-focused involves more than just having a design team discuss it in a well-lit studio. Collaboration and direct user involvement are involved. This is where the democratic and transformative process of participatory design is applied. This article will define participatory design […]

10 skills to check before hiring a UI UX designer

Reading Time: 9 minutes Are you looking to hire UI UX Designer for your business? If so, you already know cherishing one. They can help your product team make the right product that customers love. Companies that have hired UI UX Designers in the early stages make a design-first approach, which helps them streamline their vision and thoughts. UI […]

Popular UI UX design tools revolutionizing design in 2024

Reading Time: 13 minutes Imagine you’re about to embark on an exciting journey through a world filled with websites, apps, and interactive experiences.  But then you stumbled upon a confusing website, a confusing app interface, or a poorly designed website. That must have been frustrating, right?  This is where UX Designers and their expertise in creating User Experience design […]

How UX agency follows UX design process? Know the real UX groundwork

Reading Time: 12 minutes User Experience is both creative and strategic. The UX design process is the core foundation of an excellent user experience. But as modern products grow more complex and user expectations keep changing, the challenge lies in solving the problems but in an enjoyable manner. This is particularly achieved with a UX design process. This article […]

A beginner’s guide to wireframing in UX design

Reading Time: 10 minutes If you’re new to the concept of wireframing in UX design, then you’ve come to the right place. When you’re starting out as a UX designer, you must be baffled with questions such as: How would you decide the elements of a web page for a new product?  How many columns can be perfectly placed […]

Remote UX design toolkit: A complete guide on using tools like a pro

Reading Time: 6 minutes Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the work from home culture has become the new normal. However, for UX designers, working remotely has not been an easy ride. UX Designing is a highly collaborative job and the designers need remote UX design toolkits to make it happen. If you are a UX designer, you would be […]

Will AI affect UI-UX designing?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Design is not just about functionality and aesthetics. It connects the users on the emotional level too. On the other hand, AI is a machine that can act using human-style reasoning or perception. AI can think logically but it cannot think rationally. At best, AI can be the designer’s partner which will help in easing […]

Building successful startups using design thinking

Reading Time: 4 minutes In today’s technologically advanced world, businesses, especially startups, have a huge scope for innovation and growth. However, 90% of startups fail despite developing and offering a great product. There can be several reasons for this but overlooking the user’s point of view can be cited as one of the crucial ones. In this article, we […]

How to validate your startup idea before its too late?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Cоmіng uр wіth business іdеаѕ саn bе hard, but validating thеm іѕ еvеn hаrdеr, and mоrе іmроrtаnt tо уоur business thаn уоu mіght rеаlіzе. Bесаuѕе rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf how wоrld-сhаngіng уоur idea is, іf уоu build a product bеfоrе vаlіdаtіng the idea іt is bаѕеd on, there’s a gооd chance your рrоduсt will fail. Bеfоrе уоu […]

Don’t just code – Design thinking for developers

Reading Time: 5 minutes When you hear ‘design thinking’ you may think that it is meant for designers to solve design problems. But have you ever wondered if design thinking can be applied to software development too? Yes, it is possible. If you are a developer, then you can implement design thinking in your work process to build the […]

How a day in the life of a UI UX designer looks like!

Reading Time: 4 minutes A UI UX designer’s head is constantly buzzing with ideas. Even a bike ride to work or an evening stroll in the park can inspire them to create designs that stand out. The life of a UI UX designer revolves around their client and delivering only the best of designs for their users. They want […]

Top 10 InVision Studio features

Reading Time: 6 minutes The most anticipated designing tool ‘Studio’ by InVision was launched in 2018 for MacBook users. Later, it was released for Windows as well. After using what InVision for a couple of months, designers at Octet Design Studio bring you its top 10 features. Let’s explore each feature one by one. 1. All in one platform […]

13 Best design tools to simplify a UI/UX designer’s life

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a UI/UX designer, one is always in search of good tools to make life simpler. With all that creativity in mind, a designer always looks for proper channels to bring his/her ideas into reality. A designer needs the best design tools to structure his ideas, implement and examine them in real life. There are […]

Using design thinking to drive innovation

Reading Time: 6 minutes Be it the invention of the wheel, or the industrial revolution, innovation has always been intertwined with human evolution. Businesses need to be ambidextrous, so to speak, and to think from both sides. All too often, it seems, businesses either excel at the creative side, in which case innovations usually fail. Sometimes, they excel at […]