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Is aiming for perfection necessary for a UI UX designer?

Reading Time: 5 minutes A useful and engaging design is perfect rather than a perfect design in the designer’s eyes that fails to engage the consumers.

How to validate your startup idea before its too late?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Cоmіng uр wіth business іdеаѕ саn bе hard, but validating thеm іѕ еvеn hаrdеr, and mоrе іmроrtаnt tо уоur business thаn уоu mіght rеаlіzе. Bесаuѕе rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf how wоrld-сhаngіng уоur idea is, іf уоu build a product bеfоrе vаlіdаtіng the idea іt is bаѕеd on, there’s a gооd chance your рrоduсt will fail. Bеfоrе уоu […]

Low budget for app designing? Here is a solution!

Reading Time: 5 minutes What you will do in the situation when you need User Experience design, but you have a problem with your budget? While you have a low budget for app designing but you need to recruit test members, gather the latest designing tools for quality design. Obviously, you’ll face a lot of trouble. But, we want […]