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7 Questions to ask your clients in a UI UX design brief

Reading Time: 6 minutes You have successfully landed a new UI/UX design project. But there are key pieces of information that you need to obtain from the client before you start working on it. These key pieces are encapsulated in what is commonly known as a design brief. A design brief is a path to better client relationships and […]

6 Ways to choose rights colours for your next design project

Reading Time: 8 minutes When it comes to choosing colours for your design project, it seems pretty daunting at first. You can spend hours and hours searching and scrolling through hundreds of colour palettes available online. We have experienced this personally and based on our learnings, we share some of the proven ways with which you can ace your […]

How visual design influences UX design

Reading Time: 9 minutes What comes to your mind when you think of visual design? Graphics? Fonts? Colours? Well, it is much more than that. Visual design is the cohesion of aesthetics and functionality. All of the elements i.e. images, typography, space, layout and colour are planned very carefully so that it optimizes user experience and enhances conversions. In […]

What is UX writing? Why is it important for UX designers?

Reading Time: 10 minutes A good user experience doesn’t come only from good visuals or creative components. Many small aspects work together to create a good UX and one such aspect is UX writing. Here in this article, we will explain in detail the meaning of UX writing and why is it important for UX designers to take their […]