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Conquering user onboarding challenges in SaaS apps

Reading Time: 7 minutes When you decide on onboarding a new user, the experience should focus on providing better results. Every SaaS product is unique; each has its qualities and parameters to work on; as a UI UX designer, you need to know the onboarding challenges of some of the SaaS apps to get a better understanding of its […]

How to write a UX proposal?

Reading Time: 4 minutes A Forbes article by Steven Douglas highlights the importance of UX in transforming businesses. This article also brings forward a very important statistic researched by Forrester. Every dollar invested in UX design brings a return of $100 i.e. a massive ROI of 9,900% Obviously, User Experience design is big business. And to achieve such big […]


18 Dec, 2019

• By Meet Bhatt