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top design systems for your inspiration10 best design systems in 2024

Reading Time: 8 minutes Your clients require a consistent design language that can grow as their digital initiatives do. How do you ensure their touchpoints provide consistent, on-brand experiences? Design systems are helpful in this situation. A well-thought-out structure can facilitate collaborative design, guaranteeing that designers with different roles, talents, and expertise develop using the same principles. Whether designing […]

tree testingTree testing: complete guide to improve UX

Reading Time: 8 minutes Did you realize that imprecise navigation might drive clients away? According to Forbes, unclear website labels confuse and cause sales loss.  Tree testing provides a tool for streamlining and validating web navigation. You can use this strategy to ensure your labels and categories are understandable to your audience. Learn how this strategy can improve user […]

decoy effectDecoy effect: UX psychology

Reading Time: 6 minutes Imagine browsing your favorite online meal delivery service, torn between two delicious iced coffees. Suddenly, a third, less appealing option appears. You might think it’s just a random addition, but it’s a clever pricing tactic known as the ‘Decoy Effect.’  This ingenious strategy manipulates our minds and can persuade us to choose the more expensive […]

Hicks LawHicks Law: Why does it matter in UX?

Reading Time: 7 minutes To provide a successful user experience, you must first identify the functionalities that will meet their demands and then guide them to the precise features they desire the most. If consumers become caught in the “what next?” decision-making process, as explained by Hicks Law, they may become confused, frustrated, or leave your website. As a […]

progressive disclosureWhat is progressive disclosure? Disclose the right information

Reading Time: 7 minutes One technique for lowering UI complexity is progressive disclosure, which can be helpful for designers looking to make products less intimidating for users. This article discusses progressive disclosure in UX, when to apply it, helpful progressive patterns, practical examples, and the implementation process. What is progressive disclosure? Progressive disclosure is a powerful method UX designers […]

What is familiarity bias? Definition & example

Reading Time: 7 minutes Have you ever noticed yourself gravitating towards the same brand of coffee or choosing to watch movies from a favorite genre repeatedly? These are subtle examples of familiarity bias at work, a common cognitive bias that influences our decisions and preferences. But what is familiarity bias, and how does it shape our everyday choices? In […]

What is empathy mapping? Examples and exercise

Reading Time: 7 minutes In the dynamic design world, understanding your audience is key to creating impactful solutions. One tool that can help connect the gap between your users’ needs and your design process is customer empathy mapping. But what is empathy mapping? In this blog, we’ll dive into the empathy map definition, its key components, and how to […]

What is the anchoring bias?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Understanding cognitive biases, such as anchoring bias, is crucial for professionals in the field of UX design. These biases are regular patterns of thought that can significantly influence a person’s choices and judgments when they receive and evaluate information from their surroundings.  This series will delve into anchoring bias—one of the cognitive biases and its […]

Cognitive bias: Every UX designer should know

Reading Time: 8 minutes It is good to assume that we go into the UX design and research process with an open mind, free of our biases or personal opinions. However, as impartial as we strive to be, it is impossible to avoid allowing assumptions, preconceptions, and other internalized thought patterns to influence our work. Recognizing and resolving cognitive […]

Principles of Visual Hierarchy in UX

Reading Time: 8 minutes In the digital age, capturing users’ attention amid overwhelming information is a challenge. This is where principles of visual hierarchy come into play, guiding users’ eyes to the most important elements of a webpage or app and ensuring effective communication.  By strategically arranging and emphasizing elements, designers can influence how information is perceived, enhancing user […]

Card sorting examples to help you with UX research

Reading Time: 5 minutes In the world of UX design, understanding how users perceive and organize information is crucial for creating effective interfaces. For instance, a card sorting examples might involve asking users to categorize items from a website to see how they naturally group them. One of the most valuable techniques for gaining this insight is card sorting.  […]

What is task analysis? Examples and types

Reading Time: 6 minutes Imagine trying to navigate a complex website to book a flight. You need to search for flights, compare prices, select dates, input personal information, and finally make a payment. Each activity involves a series of steps, decisions, and actions that we often perform without much thought. This sequence of breaking down the action answers the […]

Step-by-step guide to conduct card sorting analysis

Reading Time: 7 minutes Imagine you’re designing a new online store. You have many ideas for categorizing products, but how do you know which makes the most sense to your customers?  This is where card sorting analysis comes in. It’s like a detective game for understanding how people organize things in their minds.  By watching participants sort information into […]

Confirmation bias explained-Importance & examples

Reading Time: 7 minutes When perusing your social media feeds, have you ever ignored posts by friends with opposing political views? However, you most likely paid attention to the content published by others who share your political views. This is an example of confirmation bias, a phrase coined by psychologist Peter Wason in 1960 to describe the tendency to […]

Top 6 participatory design methods for your project

Reading Time: 8 minutes Participatory design methods is a user-centered design methodology that involves all stakeholders, particularly the end-users, in the design process. By actively engaging users from the initial stages of development, this approach ensures that the final product meets user needs and resonates with their preferences and expectations.  This collaborative process fosters a sense of ownership among […]

What is field research? Meaning, methods, and examples

Reading Time: 8 minutes In the realm of research methodologies, field study, often called field research, stands out as a pivotal approach to understanding real-world phenomena through direct observation and interaction within natural settings.  Unlike controlled experiments, it captures genuine behaviors and social interactions, providing rich and detailed insights. Field research offers a firsthand look at reality, whether you’re […]

What is cognitive load? Definition, types and examples

Reading Time: 9 minutes Have you ever felt mentally exhausted after trying to understand a complex topic or navigate through a cluttered website? This experience is often marked by frustration and confusion due to cognitive load.  In today’s fast-paced digital world, managing cognitive load is essential for enhancing learning, improving user experience, and ensuring that interactions with technology are […]

What is cognitive walkthrough? Methods and examples

Reading Time: 9 minutes Embarking on a journey to create user-friendly products involves more than just intuitive design. It requires a deep understanding of user interactions. This is where cognitive walkthrough come into play.  By simulating user tasks step-by-step, this method allows UX designers to anticipate how users navigate interfaces and identify potential usability hurdles.  In this blog, we […]

What is contextual inquiry? Definition and example

Reading Time: 12 minutes In the fast-paced design world, creating products that actually meet users’ needs requires more than theoretical knowledge or assumptions. It demands a deep, empathetic understanding of how users interact with products in their everyday lives. This is where contextual inquiry comes into play. In this blog, we will understand what is contextual inquiry, along with […]

What is participatory design? Learn how to conduct it

Reading Time: 9 minutes In design circles, user-centricity has become fashionable. However, let us face it: being truly user-focused involves more than just having a design team discuss it in a well-lit studio. Collaboration and direct user involvement are involved. This is where the democratic and transformative process of participatory design is applied. This article will define participatory design […]

What is journey mapping? User journey maps meaning and types

Reading Time: 8 minutes Knowing what is journey mapping can significantly impact the design process, making it essential to understand how to create a journey map.  Journey mapping is an effective technique for UX designers to visualize and improve the user experience from the first interaction to the last touchpoint. It involves detailed visualizations of the website user journey, […]

What is selective attention? Meaning, example & importance

Reading Time: 8 minutes In a world filled with sensory overload, our brains can’t handle everything at once. That’s where selective attention comes in. Selective attention acts as a cognitive filter, helping us prioritize and direct our attention towards the most relevant things while ignoring distractions.  The ability to selectively focus our attention plays a vital role in our […]

How does hiring a UI UX designer benefit businesses?

Reading Time: 7 minutes In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, it is essential for businesses to hire UI UX designers to create a solid online presence.  With the global UI UX market projected to reach $45.8 billion by 2025, it has become significant for businesses to invest in quality design to enhance their digital offerings.  The current statistics showcase […]

Why does every enterprise hire UI UX designers?

Reading Time: 7 minutes In recent times, there has been a significant shift in how enterprises perceive UI UX designers. They are no longer an afterthought relegated to the sidelines of development but rather a core component that drives business success.  Enterprises now understand that a seamless and intuitive user experience can make or break their digital presence.  In […]

Why should SaaS companies hire UI UX designers?

Reading Time: 10 minutes SaaS has become essential to businesses in this digital age, offering scalable and accessible solutions across various industries. However, the success of these SaaS products is not solely dependent on their functionality. Rather, UI UX is pivotal in driving sustained business success, making UI UX designers indispensable.  A well-crafted UI UX design not only enhances the […]

5 mistakes to avoid while hiring UI UX designer

Reading Time: 8 minutes Are you looking to hire UI UX designer for your next project? Are you worried about hiring designers who don’t meet your expectations? In today’s digital age, the role of UI UX designers in shaping exceptional user experiences has become more critical than ever.  However, hiring the right talent for this role can often result […]

How to evaluate a portfolio to hire UI UX designer?

Reading Time: 10 minutes Did you know that a carelessly designed website can drive away potential customers? According to Adobe, only 38% of website visitors interact with a website if the layout is attractive.  Hiring a UI/UX designer is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your website or app’s visual appeal and user experience. A UI UX designer’s […]

10 skills to check before hiring a UI UX designer

Reading Time: 9 minutes Are you looking to hire UI UX Designer for your business? If so, you already know cherishing one. They can help your product team make the right product that customers love. Companies that have hired UI UX Designers in the early stages make a design-first approach, which helps them streamline their vision and thoughts. UI […]

How to hire UI UX designer for your business?

Reading Time: 8 minutes For your digital product, you must hire UI UX designer; or else, you may risk losing millions of dollars and would even have to close your doors. After reading the last sentence, you could think that I am exaggerating or engaging in fear-mongering, but poor usability is the main reason over 70% of businesses lose […]

When should a startup hire a UI UX designer?

Reading Time: 8 minutes As a startup, exploring new avenues can be risky and overwhelming, especially when you are in a bootstrapped stage, running on limited resources, making smart investments and looking to hire UI UX Designer who can provide their invaluable expertise to improve your designs.  It becomes crucial for your startup to hire a UI UX Designers […]

10 Best dashboard designs ideas to watch in 2024

Reading Time: 12 minutes In today’s information-drenched world, making sense of complex data can feel like navigating a stormy ocean. This is where your dashboard design ideas emerge as a compass, transforming raw numbers into actionable visual landscapes.   However, these dashboards are not just used for data presentation; they can potentially revolutionize any platform’s UI UX. This article will […]

10 Best fintech designs to watch in 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes The term “Fintech” is a fusion of “financial” and “technology,” representing a rapidly evolving industry that leverages technological advancements to deliver innovative financial services.  Fintech encompasses a broad spectrum, including online banking, digital payments, blockchain technology, robo-advisors, and more.  This industry disrupts traditional financial models, offering enhanced efficiency, accessibility, and user experiences. Why fintech needs […]

10 Best data grid designs shaping UI UX trends

Reading Time: 8 minutes In today’s digital landscape, where information is the currency of user interaction, the role of datagrids in UI/UX design is more critical than ever. As we navigate the intricacies of modern digital experiences, the choice of a datagrid becomes a strategic decision for designers aiming to strike a delicate balance between functionality, aesthetics, and user […]

Benefits of UI UX design: How it transforms user experience

Reading Time: 9 minutes In the dynamic world of digital interactions, UI/UX design stands as the backbone of creating meaningful and seamless experiences for users.  Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just stepping into the realm of UI/UX, understanding the advantages of UI/UX Design and benefits of user experience design can significantly impact your approach to crafting interfaces that […]

List of top 10 UI/UX design agencies in Ahmedabad: 2023-2024

Reading Time: 11 minutes In today’s digital landscape, the importance of UI/UX cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of digital products and services. UI/UX design directly influences how users interact with websites, applications, and devices, making it a critical element in enhancing user satisfaction and engagement A seamless and intuitive UI is […]

Popular UI UX design tools revolutionizing design in 2024

Reading Time: 13 minutes Imagine you’re about to embark on an exciting journey through a world filled with websites, apps, and interactive experiences.  But then you stumbled upon a confusing website, a confusing app interface, or a poorly designed website. That must have been frustrating, right?  This is where UX Designers and their expertise in creating User Experience design […]

What do UI UX designers do? What should they deliver?

Reading Time: 26 minutes UI UX Designers play a crucial role in creating user-friendly and visually appealing digital products. They are responsible for designing interfaces that effectively communicate and engage with users. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of what UI UX Designers do and what they should deliver. Why does UI/UX design matter for digital […]

UX design audit – Meaning, importance and process

Reading Time: 6 minutes Imagine you have developed a product with all the bells and whistles, and you are confident that the product is going to rock in the market and be the top performer. But weeks after you launch it, you find that the product has hardly got any users and people are posting poor reviews. What will […]

Everything you need to know about enterprise UX: Meaning, importance, and process

Reading Time: 10 minutes Enterprise UX has recently emerged as an essential part of business strategy for companies globally. The field is growing rapidly and has gained traction recently due to its ability to help companies improve their bottom line by providing employees with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively. In this article, we are going […]

How to become a UX researcher: Insights & advice from industry experts

Reading Time: 6 minutes A UX researcher’s job is to understand people and uncover insights about a user group to inform and improve a product, its overall design, and the user’s experience with it. If you are familiar with UX research and want to pursue a career in it, but don’t know where to start, then this guide will […]

A complete beginner’s guide to UX research process

Reading Time: 6 minutes Research is critical in an industry committed to the people who use our goods, services, and applications. We gather everything about our target audience and test our work constantly throughout the design process. UX research, often known as design research, serves a variety of functions all across the design process. It enables us to uncover […]

How to get a UI UX design job with no experience?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Are you looking for a dream job that combines your creativity and problem-solving ability? Then UI/UX design might be the perfect option. You can begin your career journey to become a UI/UX designer even if you have no experience in the space. Nonetheless, becoming a UI/UX designer is not a task that can be completed […]

10 Super-effective techniques to improve SaaS conversion rate

Reading Time: 7 minutes Improving SaaS conversion rate isn’t a walk in the park; it takes loads of expertise to make your service more reliable, product-oriented, quality-driven, and informative. SaaS companies have become smart in their offering of services. Not just free trials, they ensure every customer takes value in return for the services provided. Before heading to the […]

5 Ways design agency can transform your SaaS product

Reading Time: 8 minutes SaaS is a new digital business model that claims to make it easier to access a wide range of services via the internet. But there is cutthroat competition and to stand out among the crowd, the right SaaS design agency can be your best partner. Here in this article, we will talk about how SaaS […]

7 Biggest challenges in enterprise UX and how to overcome them?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Enterprise UX has grown increasingly important as firms transition from a traditional staff to a remote workforce. Companies all across the world have begun to devote time, money, and effort to developing effective business software solutions. You need an experienced enterprise UX design company to develop a good enterprise software application. However, developing and managing […]

Importance of user research for enterprise UX

Reading Time: 8 minutes Starting a project without diligent user research is like starting a journey without a compass. And just like you would expect, you will end up at the wrong place eventually. The same happens with UX projects too.  A product or platform that is designed based on assumptions or guesswork is sure to falter at some […]

15+ Key areas where a good product designer brings impact

Reading Time: 13 minutes You would be amazed to see what impacts a product designer can bring once you collaborate. Product design is and has been an integral part of the success of digital products. Giants like Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon have been wise to implement a product designing first approach! At Octet, we discovered one thing when […]

Product design and UI UX design: Are they same?

Reading Time: 5 minutes We received so many questions from you all in the past few weeks to describe how UI/UX and product designs differ. Well, now that we have established ourselves as a product design agency, we can help you identify the differences between the two. Honestly, there are no substantial differences between product design and UI/UX design. […]

Why emotional design Is important for creating better UX

Reading Time: 7 minutes Psychology says that humans base their decisions on emotions rather than logic. Hence, as designers it is imperative to understand the concept of emotional design and why it is important to create products with better user experience. A great design can activate a person’s positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and amusement and make them […]

A beginner’s guide to wireframing in UX design

Reading Time: 10 minutes If you’re new to the concept of wireframing in UX design, then you’ve come to the right place. When you’re starting out as a UX designer, you must be baffled with questions such as: How would you decide the elements of a web page for a new product?  How many columns can be perfectly placed […]

A complete beginner’s guide to design systems in UI UX design

Reading Time: 8 minutes Design systems are essential for businesses looking to document their design assets and continue building consistent, usable designs. It is beneficial for the designers and developers at a company. Design Systems help in organizing every design asset in one place. This allows others at the company to see and better understand how and why design decisions […]

5 Essential tips for designers to use A/B testing in UX

Reading Time: 11 minutes What is A/B testing? A/B testing, or split testing, is a method used by UX designers and marketers to compare two versions of something. Be it a product, an app, a website or an ad. The goal is to determine which one of the two versions is more successful, according to our business, product, and […]

A complete guide on optimising UX for wordpress

Reading Time: 13 minutes User Experience is central to every website, be it a business website, eCommerce website, a directory listing or even a blog. If you are aiming to pump up your WordPress UX, then this article will help you to achieve the same. WordPress Optimisation: Tweaking for the best user experience In the simplest terms, WordPress is […]

How to delight your users with a great UX?

Reading Time: 4 minutes UX Design has now become an inseparable part of digital marketing strategy. Business owners, brands and customers are all talking about user experience. Though not in literal terms, they express their opinions about how this app is great, or not so great on several platforms including social media. Defining user experience A blog from Protoypr […]

Will AI affect UI-UX designing?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Design is not just about functionality and aesthetics. It connects the users on the emotional level too. On the other hand, AI is a machine that can act using human-style reasoning or perception. AI can think logically but it cannot think rationally. At best, AI can be the designer’s partner which will help in easing […]

Why hire a UI UX design agency and not just an in-house designer?

Reading Time: 5 minutes There comes a question in every business owner’s mind: Why I should hire a UI/UX agency when I can hire a full-time UI/UX designer on the payroll? Along wіth thе tесhnоlоgісаl аdvаnсеmеnt, thеrе has been a sheer аbundаnсе оf websites аnd аррlісаtіоnѕ. Yоu wоuld hаrdlу find a rерutеd соmраnу оr еvеn a ѕtаrt-uр that dоеѕ […]

UI UX of cross-platform app: Things to keep in mind and best practices

Reading Time: 6 minutes Duе to еxtеnѕіvе use оf smartphones, mоbіlе application рrоgrаmmеrѕ are іn a grеаt demand in thе ѕоftwаrе іnduѕtrу. Now, ѕоftwаrе соmраnіеѕ аrе lооkіng fоr professionals whо hаvе gооd еxреrіеnсе іn designing UI UX of cross-platform app Designign UI UX of cross-platform app thаt аddrеѕѕ all platform ѕресіfіс fеаturеѕ аnd design attributes іѕ a Herculean tаѕk. […]

13 Best design tools to simplify a UI/UX designer’s life

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a UI/UX designer, one is always in search of good tools to make life simpler. With all that creativity in mind, a designer always looks for proper channels to bring his/her ideas into reality. A designer needs the best design tools to structure his ideas, implement and examine them in real life. There are […]