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impacts of digital lifeThe behavioral blueprint of digital life

Reading Time: 8 minutes The rapid integration of digital technologies into every facet of life has transformed how we interact, work, and perceive the world around us. While these advancements offer unparalleled convenience and connectivity, they also introduce various psychological challenges that impact our well-being.   From the stress of social media to the growing issue of digital addiction, our […]

What is an observational study?What is an observational study? Examples, types & definitions

Reading Time: 6 minutes When it comes to understanding human behavior and interactions, researchers often rely on methods that go beyond mere statistics. One such method is the observational study. But what is an observational study?  At its core, it involves watching and recording individuals in their natural environments without manipulating any variables. This approach allows researchers to gather […]

What is longitudinal study?What is a longitudinal study? Definition, example & types

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ever wondered how certain trends evolve or how specific behaviors change over the years? Think about how children grow into adults, how technology influences our daily lives, or how health patterns emerge in different populations. Longitudinal research holds the key to unlocking these mysteries. But what is a longitudinal study exactly? Longitudinal research is a […]

Card sorting examples to help you with UX research

Reading Time: 5 minutes In the world of UX design, understanding how users perceive and organize information is crucial for creating effective interfaces. For instance, a card sorting examples might involve asking users to categorize items from a website to see how they naturally group them. One of the most valuable techniques for gaining this insight is card sorting.  […]

What is shadowing?What is user shadowing?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Designing software solutions for various clients is difficult. Each customer provides a unique set of products, services, and processes. So, how can you create an experience that exactly meets their needs? User shadowing is one possible strategy. It involves watching your user group in their comfortable setting. Your ability to provide a user-centered solution will […]

What is task analysis? Examples and types

Reading Time: 6 minutes Imagine trying to navigate a complex website to book a flight. You need to search for flights, compare prices, select dates, input personal information, and finally make a payment. Each activity involves a series of steps, decisions, and actions that we often perform without much thought. This sequence of breaking down the action answers the […]

Step-by-step guide to conduct card sorting analysis

Reading Time: 7 minutes Imagine you’re designing a new online store. You have many ideas for categorizing products, but how do you know which makes the most sense to your customers?  This is where card sorting analysis comes in. It’s like a detective game for understanding how people organize things in their minds.  By watching participants sort information into […]

Confirmation bias explained-Importance & examples

Reading Time: 7 minutes When perusing your social media feeds, have you ever ignored posts by friends with opposing political views? However, you most likely paid attention to the content published by others who share your political views. This is an example of confirmation bias, a phrase coined by psychologist Peter Wason in 1960 to describe the tendency to […]

Top 6 participatory design methods for your project

Reading Time: 8 minutes Participatory design methods is a user-centered design methodology that involves all stakeholders, particularly the end-users, in the design process. By actively engaging users from the initial stages of development, this approach ensures that the final product meets user needs and resonates with their preferences and expectations.  This collaborative process fosters a sense of ownership among […]

What is contextual inquiry? Definition and example

Reading Time: 12 minutes In the fast-paced design world, creating products that actually meet users’ needs requires more than theoretical knowledge or assumptions. It demands a deep, empathetic understanding of how users interact with products in their everyday lives. This is where contextual inquiry comes into play. In this blog, we will understand what is contextual inquiry, along with […]

What is participatory design? Learn how to conduct it

Reading Time: 9 minutes In design circles, user-centricity has become fashionable. However, let us face it: being truly user-focused involves more than just having a design team discuss it in a well-lit studio. Collaboration and direct user involvement are involved. This is where the democratic and transformative process of participatory design is applied. This article will define participatory design […]

What is journey mapping? User journey maps meaning and types

Reading Time: 8 minutes Knowing what is journey mapping can significantly impact the design process, making it essential to understand how to create a journey map.  Journey mapping is an effective technique for UX designers to visualize and improve the user experience from the first interaction to the last touchpoint. It involves detailed visualizations of the website user journey, […]

10 skills to check before hiring a UI UX designer

Reading Time: 9 minutes Are you looking to hire UI UX Designer for your business? If so, you already know cherishing one. They can help your product team make the right product that customers love. Companies that have hired UI UX Designers in the early stages make a design-first approach, which helps them streamline their vision and thoughts. UI […]

What is survivorship bias? Consequences, tips & strategies

Reading Time: 7 minutes In UX design, a tricky, unnotice­d force guides our choices. That’s survivorship bias. We­ often look at what worked (successful use­rs or products) and ignore what didn’t. This oversight skews our vie­ws and design choices, affecting the­ quality of our UX plans. This survivorship bias is a real pitfall in UX design. It’s when de­signers […]

Popular UI UX design tools revolutionizing design in 2024

Reading Time: 13 minutes Imagine you’re about to embark on an exciting journey through a world filled with websites, apps, and interactive experiences.  But then you stumbled upon a confusing website, a confusing app interface, or a poorly designed website. That must have been frustrating, right?  This is where UX Designers and their expertise in creating User Experience design […]

What do UI UX designers do? What should they deliver?

Reading Time: 26 minutes UI UX Designers play a crucial role in creating user-friendly and visually appealing digital products. They are responsible for designing interfaces that effectively communicate and engage with users. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of what UI UX Designers do and what they should deliver. Why does UI/UX design matter for digital […]

Everything you need to know about enterprise UX: Meaning, importance, and process

Reading Time: 10 minutes Enterprise UX has recently emerged as an essential part of business strategy for companies globally. The field is growing rapidly and has gained traction recently due to its ability to help companies improve their bottom line by providing employees with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively. In this article, we are going […]

A complete beginner’s guide to UX research process

Reading Time: 6 minutes Research is critical in an industry committed to the people who use our goods, services, and applications. We gather everything about our target audience and test our work constantly throughout the design process. UX research, often known as design research, serves a variety of functions all across the design process. It enables us to uncover […]

5 Ways design agency can transform your SaaS product

Reading Time: 8 minutes SaaS is a new digital business model that claims to make it easier to access a wide range of services via the internet. But there is cutthroat competition and to stand out among the crowd, the right SaaS design agency can be your best partner. Here in this article, we will talk about how SaaS […]

15+ Key areas where a good product designer brings impact

Reading Time: 13 minutes You would be amazed to see what impacts a product designer can bring once you collaborate. Product design is and has been an integral part of the success of digital products. Giants like Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon have been wise to implement a product designing first approach! At Octet, we discovered one thing when […]

How UX agency follows UX design process? Know the real UX groundwork

Reading Time: 12 minutes User Experience is both creative and strategic. The UX design process is the core foundation of an excellent user experience. But as modern products grow more complex and user expectations keep changing, the challenge lies in solving the problems but in an enjoyable manner. This is particularly achieved with a UX design process. This article […]

Remote UX design toolkit: A complete guide on using tools like a pro

Reading Time: 6 minutes Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the work from home culture has become the new normal. However, for UX designers, working remotely has not been an easy ride. UX Designing is a highly collaborative job and the designers need remote UX design toolkits to make it happen. If you are a UX designer, you would be […]

A short guide on UX strategy

Reading Time: 4 minutes What is UX strategy? The user experience strategy or UX Strategy is a way to address & plan a digital product. This strategy aligns the business goals, user’s requirements & technology to ensure the utilisation of the resources in the right direction. UX Strategy is the “big picture”, a high-level plan to achieve one or […]

Remote UX research methods

Reading Time: 8 minutes A remote UX research is the best way to get insights and information from the target audience as this research method has access to a bigger pool of potential consumers. Unlike traditional UX research, remote UX research can be done from anywhere in the world, it is not like traditional research that has to be […]