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Hicks LawHicks Law: Why does it matter in UX?

Reading Time: 7 minutes To provide a successful user experience, you must first identify the functionalities that will meet their demands and then guide them to the precise features they desire the most. If consumers become caught in the “what next?” decision-making process, as explained by Hicks Law, they may become confused, frustrated, or leave your website. As a […]

What is the anchoring bias?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Understanding cognitive biases, such as anchoring bias, is crucial for professionals in the field of UX design. These biases are regular patterns of thought that can significantly influence a person’s choices and judgments when they receive and evaluate information from their surroundings.  This series will delve into anchoring bias—one of the cognitive biases and its […]

Cognitive bias: Every UX designer should know

Reading Time: 8 minutes It is good to assume that we go into the UX design and research process with an open mind, free of our biases or personal opinions. However, as impartial as we strive to be, it is impossible to avoid allowing assumptions, preconceptions, and other internalized thought patterns to influence our work. Recognizing and resolving cognitive […]

What is survivorship bias? Consequences, tips & strategies

Reading Time: 7 minutes In UX design, a tricky, unnotice­d force guides our choices. That’s survivorship bias. We­ often look at what worked (successful use­rs or products) and ignore what didn’t. This oversight skews our vie­ws and design choices, affecting the­ quality of our UX plans. This survivorship bias is a real pitfall in UX design. It’s when de­signers […]

Importance of user research for enterprise UX

Reading Time: 8 minutes Starting a project without diligent user research is like starting a journey without a compass. And just like you would expect, you will end up at the wrong place eventually. The same happens with UX projects too.  A product or platform that is designed based on assumptions or guesswork is sure to falter at some […]

Why emotional design Is important for creating better UX

Reading Time: 7 minutes Psychology says that humans base their decisions on emotions rather than logic. Hence, as designers it is imperative to understand the concept of emotional design and why it is important to create products with better user experience. A great design can activate a person’s positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and amusement and make them […]