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What is an observational study?What is an observational study? Examples, types & definitions

Reading Time: 6 minutes When it comes to understanding human behavior and interactions, researchers often rely on methods that go beyond mere statistics. One such method is the observational study. But what is an observational study?  At its core, it involves watching and recording individuals in their natural environments without manipulating any variables. This approach allows researchers to gather […]

What is longitudinal study?What is a longitudinal study? Definition, example & types

Reading Time: 6 minutes Ever wondered how certain trends evolve or how specific behaviors change over the years? Think about how children grow into adults, how technology influences our daily lives, or how health patterns emerge in different populations. Longitudinal research holds the key to unlocking these mysteries. But what is a longitudinal study exactly? Longitudinal research is a […]

What is field research? Meaning, methods, and examples

Reading Time: 8 minutes In the realm of research methodologies, field study, often called field research, stands out as a pivotal approach to understanding real-world phenomena through direct observation and interaction within natural settings.  Unlike controlled experiments, it captures genuine behaviors and social interactions, providing rich and detailed insights. Field research offers a firsthand look at reality, whether you’re […]

What is survivorship bias? Consequences, tips & strategies

Reading Time: 7 minutes In UX design, a tricky, unnotice­d force guides our choices. That’s survivorship bias. We­ often look at what worked (successful use­rs or products) and ignore what didn’t. This oversight skews our vie­ws and design choices, affecting the­ quality of our UX plans. This survivorship bias is a real pitfall in UX design. It’s when de­signers […]

10 Best dashboard designs ideas to watch in 2024

Reading Time: 12 minutes In today’s information-drenched world, making sense of complex data can feel like navigating a stormy ocean. This is where your dashboard design ideas emerge as a compass, transforming raw numbers into actionable visual landscapes.   However, these dashboards are not just used for data presentation; they can potentially revolutionize any platform’s UI UX. This article will […]

How to prepare effective UX research reports like a pro

Reading Time: 8 minutes UX research reports are one of the essential deliverables of UX design. They provide a detailed interpretation of users’ needs and analysis of how users interact with a product or service. They guide the designer in making informed decisions about what to change, update, or remove from their product. Great UX research reports also include […]

Usability testing methods: Qualitative vs. quantitative usability testing

Reading Time: 9 minutes If you’re in charge of creating a new product or feature for your company, you’re probably wondering how to make it as good as possible. You want to ensure that your customers will love it and keep coming back for more. And that even if they don’t love it right away, they’ll be able to […]