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what is mental modelWhat is a mental model? Definition and examples

Reading Time: 8 minutes Imagine trying to navigate a city you’ve never visited before. Without a map or GPS, you’d rely on your internal sense of direction, piecing together landmarks and your sense of the layout to find your way. This mental navigation system is akin to a mental model, a mental representation that helps us make sense of […]

decoy effectDecoy effect: UX psychology

Reading Time: 6 minutes Imagine browsing your favorite online meal delivery service, torn between two delicious iced coffees. Suddenly, a third, less appealing option appears. You might think it’s just a random addition, but it’s a clever pricing tactic known as the ‘Decoy Effect.’  This ingenious strategy manipulates our minds and can persuade us to choose the more expensive […]

What is familiarity bias? Definition & example

Reading Time: 7 minutes Have you ever noticed yourself gravitating towards the same brand of coffee or choosing to watch movies from a favorite genre repeatedly? These are subtle examples of familiarity bias at work, a common cognitive bias that influences our decisions and preferences. But what is familiarity bias, and how does it shape our everyday choices? In […]

What is empathy mapping? Examples and exercise

Reading Time: 7 minutes In the dynamic design world, understanding your audience is key to creating impactful solutions. One tool that can help connect the gap between your users’ needs and your design process is customer empathy mapping. But what is empathy mapping? In this blog, we’ll dive into the empathy map definition, its key components, and how to […]

Cognitive bias: Every UX designer should know

Reading Time: 8 minutes It is good to assume that we go into the UX design and research process with an open mind, free of our biases or personal opinions. However, as impartial as we strive to be, it is impossible to avoid allowing assumptions, preconceptions, and other internalized thought patterns to influence our work. Recognizing and resolving cognitive […]

What is shadowing?What is user shadowing?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Designing software solutions for various clients is difficult. Each customer provides a unique set of products, services, and processes. So, how can you create an experience that exactly meets their needs? User shadowing is one possible strategy. It involves watching your user group in their comfortable setting. Your ability to provide a user-centered solution will […]

What is ethnographic research? Definition, examples & methods

Reading Time: 8 minutes Imagine walking in the heart of a bustling marketplace and being captivated by a group of women weaving vibrant fabrics, their laughter blending with the hum of conversation. This scene sparked your curiosity, igniting a desire to uncover the stories hidden within their daily lives. This is where ethnographic research comes in!  Ethnographic research, by […]