10 Best Fintech Designs To Watch in 2024

10 Best fintech designs to watch in 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes
10 Best Fintech Design to Watch in 2024

The term “Fintech” is a fusion of “financial” and “technology,” representing a rapidly evolving industry that leverages technological advancements to deliver innovative financial services. 

Fintech encompasses a broad spectrum, including online banking, digital payments, blockchain technology, robo-advisors, and more. 

This industry disrupts traditional financial models, offering enhanced efficiency, accessibility, and user experiences.

Why fintech needs good UI/UX design?

Complexity of financial processes

Financial transactions and processes can be intricate and confusing.

A well-designed interface simplifies complex financial processes, ensuring users can navigate effortlessly and understand transactions with ease.

Building trust and confidence

Users entrust fintech platforms with sensitive financial information.

A visually appealing and secure UI/UX builds trust, ensuring users feel confident in using the platform for their financial needs.

User engagement and retention

User engagement is crucial for fintech success.

A user-friendly and engaging design encourages users to explore the platform, increasing retention rates and fostering loyalty.

Security and compliance

Security is a top priority in the fintech industry due to the sensitivity of financial data.

Transparent and user-friendly security features, integrated seamlessly into the design, assure users of the platform’s commitment to their financial safety.

Adaptation to evolving user expectations

User expectations in the digital landscape evolve rapidly. A flexible UI/UX design that can adapt to changing trends and preferences ensures the platform stays relevant and appealing to users.

Now, let’s explore 10 examples of UI/UX design in the fintech industry. 

Each of these showcases not only functional excellence but also a commitment to providing users with a seamless and visually pleasing financial experience. 

Whether through innovative features, clean layouts, or unique branding elements, these fintech platforms set the standard for user-centric design in the industry.


trending fintech design: Stripe

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Stripe’s website employs a clean mesh design, using gradients and clean layouts, creating a visually appealing and modern interface. The use of interactive elements enhances user engagement.


Square's fintech design

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Square achieves a balance between a lot of information and a clean, organized layout. The dark-light mode combination is seamlessly integrated, providing a visually appealing and well-structured design.


Paypal's clean fintech design

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PayPal’s design focuses on familiarity and simplicity. The UI is straightforward, making it easy for users to navigate and understand key financial functionalities.


best fintech design: Robinhood

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Robinhood’s website prioritizes a user-friendly interface. The design is clean, and the use of graphics and icons helps simplify complex financial information, catering to a diverse user base.


trending fintech design: Revolut

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Revolut’s design is modern and vibrant, featuring vibrant colours and stacked layouts. The use of 3D clay illustrations adds a creative touch, making the website stand out in the fintech landscape.

Wise (formerly TransferWise)

Wise's UI UX Design

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Wise’s recent migration to lime green brings a fresh, branded look. The incorporation of 3D elements with abstract shapes adds a unique and memorable touch to the design.


Coinbase's intuitive fintech design

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Coinbase’s design is sleek and intuitive. The website effectively uses visuals to simplify the complex world of cryptocurrencies, making it accessible to a broader audience.


Adyen's fintech design in 2024

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Adyen’s design excels in presenting a lot of technical information with clarity. The balance between dark and light mode enhances readability, providing a professional and sophisticated look.


SoFi's fintech design

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SoFi’s website maintains a conservative style with a friendly and secure vibe. The use of light-grey mode, coupled with attractive visuals, makes it suitable for a more conservative audience.


Fintech designs of Klarna

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Klarna’s website is creative and interactive. The design plays with engaging visuals and animations, making it not only functional but also enjoyable for users to explore.


The fintech industry is undergoing a transformative change visually. The design variations we presented above are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional highlighting a deep understanding of user requirements and industrial trends. 

In our selection, we’ve strived to present a carefully curated list that harmonises modern aesthetics with the seriousness required by the financial industry.

The featured websites cover a wide range of styles, from cutting-edge and creative to formal and serious designs. They highlight the different ways designers approach creating fintech-related designs.

Use these examples as a guideline to create a secure, accessible and user-centric fintech platform while also standing abreast with the latest industry trends. 


Revamp your financial experience with our UI UX services!

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Creative Director and Founder of Octet Design Studio- Aakash Jethwani
Aakash Jethwani

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