Aakash Jethwani, Author at My WordPress

Aakash Jethwani

Founder & Creative Director

With an experience of 12+ years and serving more than 300+ projects, he is now leading a team of 25+ designers and developers and handling responsibility as founder and creative director at Octet Design Studio.

A design leader, known for creating and offering pixel-perfect design by striking a balance between design and technology to his clients while also managing his team and business.

His vision is to help companies disrupt market through designs and becoming a go-to partner for innovation. With a commitment to deep implementation of design strategies, he envisions pioneering innovative solutions to not only transforms businesses but also make it an essential requirement for the clients seeking unparalleled excellence.

His ultimate goal is to offer ‘experiences as a differentiator’ to clients seeking sustainable growth in the competitive digital landscape.

Creative Director and Founder of Octet Design Studio- Aakash Jethwani

Contributed Blogs

How Does Hiring a UI UX Designer Benefit Businesses?

How Does Hiring a UI UX Designer Benefit Businesses?

Reading Time: 7 minutes In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, it is essential for businesses to hire UI UX designers to create a solid online presence.  With the global UI UX market projected to reach $45.8 billion by 2025, it has become significant for businesses to invest in quality design to enhance their digital offerings.  The current statistics showcase […]

Why does every Enterprise Hire UI UX Designers?

Why does every Enterprise Hire UI UX Designers?

Reading Time: 7 minutes In recent times, there has been a significant shift in how enterprises perceive UI UX designers. They are no longer an afterthought relegated to the sidelines of development but rather a core component that drives business success.  Enterprises now understand that a seamless and intuitive user experience can make or break their digital presence.  In […]

Why Should SaaS Companies Hire UI UX Designers?

Why Should SaaS Companies Hire UI UX Designers?

Reading Time: 10 minutes SaaS has become essential to businesses in this digital age, offering scalable and accessible solutions across various industries. However, the success of these SaaS products is not solely dependent on their functionality. Rather, UI UX is pivotal in driving sustained business success, making UI UX designers indispensable.  A well-crafted UI UX design not only enhances the […]

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